What Are Egregors?
The things we surround ourselves with often reflect the level we are currently at in life. When we hold certain values, desires, and ambitions, we naturally strive to climb the social ladder, particularly during periods of financial success.
It’s no coincidence that people say, “You’re judged by your appearance, but remembered for your mind.” The way we look and the environment we create around us are shaped by the reality we live in.
Material wealth is a visible marker of where someone has established themselves. If you’re financially stable, chances are you wear certain types of clothing, own a particular car, use a specific phone, and possess jewelry or other luxuries.
But there’s more to it than just social status or outward success. Everything in our lives is energy. Brands, in particular, can act as an additional source of energy because they function as a type of egregor.
Let me explain the concept of egregors so you can better understand.
Egregors are energy-information structures that unite people around a shared purpose, goal, or idea. These are vast energetic entities that provide resources to individuals while also taking something in return. In essence, you "pay" an egregor by purchasing its products, and in exchange, it grants you the energy of status and prestige.

Why Are Egregors So Powerful?
All large corporations and organizations have strong egregors backed by massive teams and countless followers. The quality and level of these followers determine the vibration frequency of the egregor.
This frequency is passed on to you when you interact with the egregor—be it through purchasing branded items, studying their history, or understanding the brand’s business model.
This interaction expands your worldview and builds a connection with the brand. Brands “appreciate” being studied, and in return, they share their energy with you. In some cases, you might even unexpectedly receive a branded gift.
Why Wealthy People Aspire to Connect with Egregors
This is why I always encourage gradually raising your standards. Why do people purchase these expensive items? Isn’t it wasteful or even absurd? On the contrary, these are tools—not ends in themselves—that we use to achieve our goals.
Everything in life is energy, and brands provide an additional source of it. Over time, you may notice branded items entering your life in surprising ways.
While some view brands as a waste of money, others dream of owning them. In truth, brands are not just about social status but also about energy. In this discussion, we’ll explore how brands function and why they can play a significant role in our lives.

Brands as Talismans
I recall the time I purchased my first branded wallet. Why a wallet? To me, a wallet symbolizes financial abundance—a sort of talisman. I was in Paris and walked into a Gucci boutique. At the time, it felt exorbitantly expensive, something I couldn’t justify. Yet, I couldn’t leave without that wallet because it felt like my entry ticket to the financial egregor.
The wallet featured a snake motif, which resonated with me symbolically. I chose it as a talisman and “programmed” it to assist me in achieving financial success.
Brands as Catalysts for Growth
As we navigate life, we naturally aspire to reach higher financial benchmarks. Luxury items like branded clothing, cars, and accessories become tools that support these ambitions. Beyond their social implications, brands carry an energetic connection. Egregors draw you upward, enabling personal growth.
Brands range from small to globally renowned, such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana, Hermès, and Cartier. Smaller brands, like Zara or Massimo Dutti, also have their own vibrations. The key is whether you want to align with their frequency.
If not, you need to gradually raise the level of brands you engage with. I remember once thinking, “How could anyone spend so much on Togas bed linens?” Later, as I reached a certain level, it became my norm.
Everything—from the food you eat and where you dine to the clothes you wear, the jewelry on your wrist, and the car you drive—fits together like pieces of a puzzle, forming a picture of your social and energetic standing.
Brands serve as dual-purpose tools: socially, they solidify your image, and energetically, they uplift you. This synergy accelerates your upward trajectory.
I always recommend gradually increasing your standards. For example, if you shop at Zara, consider upgrading to Massimo Dutti—a higher-quality brand.

The Energy of Branded Items
Every item has a vibration, emanating from the egregor it belongs to. The higher the status of the egregor, the higher its vibrations. When luxury items are embraced by thousands of affluent individuals, they resonate with their frequency, transferring it to you.
Brands, therefore, become allies in achieving your goals. Some dismiss them, others idolize them, while many use them for appearances. Eventually, though, you might reach a level where you can afford anything, and the allure fades.
A Personal Anecdote:
A friend once said to me:
"Sarah, everything in my house is branded. It’s no longer exciting; it’s just my norm."
When you reach that stage, you’re unlikely to shop at ordinary stores and will stick to those aligning with your standards. However, this growth journey is unique to everyone.
Some people use brands as tools for success, while others reject them entirely, deeming them unnecessary. Both approaches are valid.
A Story About Roman Abramovich
Roman Abramovich, the billionaire, famously wears a Swatch watch. Once, one of his employees, inspired by Abramovich, bought the same watch. During a meeting, Abramovich noticed and remarked:
"Isn’t it a bit early for you to wear that?”
The employee was puzzled—it was just a modestly priced watch. But for Abramovich, who had reached a level where status symbols no longer mattered, it was about inner comfort. For his employee, however, it was still a symbol to aspire toward.
How to Engage with Brand Egregors
The power of brand egregors lies in their history, energy, and achievements. To connect with them, start by learning their stories. Discover how the brand was built and reached its success.
Behind every brand is a dedicated team, and understanding their journey can foster a spiritual connection to the egregor. Even window shopping or observing store displays can gradually align you with this energy field.
For example, I once purchased a Louis Vuitton bag as a gift for my friend . While shopping, we overheard a young woman speaking with the salesperson. She said:
"I’ve been reading about Louis Vuitton for so long, studying its history, and today, I’m making my first purchase."
She chose a small wallet, and it was a touching moment of intentionality and aspiration.
In Conclusion
I encourage you to pick a brand that interests you and dive into its history. Learn how it was founded and how it achieved success. It might inspire you or provide valuable insights.
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